Baby Noah’s Sleep Journey

Noah was 6 months old when we started working together on the sleep coaching program.

Let’s take a look together at Noah’s sleep journey, from hating sleep to being able to sleep on his own.

Let’s take a look at Noah’s sleep history:

  • His naps were 30 minute long 

  • He used to breastfeed all night

  • Both baby and parents had broken sleep

We worked together through the sleep coaching program and after 1 month:

  • Noah has healthy predictable long naps

  • Noah puts himself to sleep smoothly 

  • Noah sleeps long stretches (currently on 2 feeds at night) 

  • The whole family is well-rested 

What did we do?

  • We decreased the night feeds gradually 

  • Introduced him to his crib gradually, so, that he can get used to it before any coaching happens

  • Increased his caloric intake during the day 

  • Organized his nap schedule gradually 

  • We started the coaching phase using the “pick up/put down” method

  • Trusted the process and gave him his time to catch up on sleep 

What did the mother say?

“Seriously Yasmine, this has been a life changing experience for us. 

Not only for me as a mother who went back to sleeping after only 7 months of having a baby, but also for Noah who now sleeps on his own when it’s his down time saving us all the fuss which used to happen to put him to sleep.

The ways you adopted were so gentle and most importantly you’ve always been considerate of my emotions as a mother which was a game changer for me.

Sincere thanks Yasmine.”

It was my pleasure to support Noah’s family through their sleep journey.

If you feel lost or stuck and don’t know where to start, I would love to help you through it. 

You can book with us through WhatsApp and get started,


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