Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep While Traveling

Are you traveling this Easter or Eid? Do you have summer plans coming up wondering how will this affect your baby’s sleep?

This week's blog post is to help you break things down and plan your holiday in a way that you can keep a balance between having fun and at the same time keep your child rested. 

Just a reminder that children need sleep to stay fresh and happy, the more they are off their schedule, the more they will probably be fussier and cranky So protecting sleep timings will help you enjoy your time throughout the holiday. Children are different; some children will show those fussy signs on the spot and some will take them some accumulation to show signs that they are tired and fussy. For toddlers sometimes being super active is a sign that “I am super tired”. 

This blog is just general guidance of the best practices to maintain things as much as you can, but you can decide what is best for your child and your family. Here is what you can do while you are on holiday: 

1- Plan your flight/ride around nap or bedtime

Whether you are going away on a road trip or you will travel by flight, try as much as you can to plan it during nap/bedtime. Although motion is not the best quality of sleep, it helps children sleep and any sleep is better than no sleep. 

If you are traveling with toddlers, make sure to communicate everything before the trip. Children love to know what to expect and preparing them beforehand makes all the difference. 

2- Take the sleep environment with you 

This is the most important tip, in my opinion, try to take with you everything that feels like home: the same pajamas, sleeping bags, white noise, bedsheets, favorite Sleep teddy or lovey. 

Also, don’t forget to take darkness with you. If you are going somewhere where the room is not super dark, especially if you are having a long stay, try to make the room dark. You can add an additional layer of garbage bag/ foil on the window to ensure that the room is dark. 

3- Be prepared with a portable crib 

If your child sleeps in a crib at home, the best thing you can do is to have a portable crib that you can take with you when you travel. Portable cribs are easy to fold and carry around. Maintaining a consistent sleep space even when you are away from home will help your child sleep better with no setbacks after you come back. 

4- Maintain the sleep routine and schedule as much as you can 

Whatever routine you have at home, do the same when you are away. Keep it short and simple if needed, but try to keep it. 

Same for sleep schedule and bedtime, keep late bedtime for special occasions and be mindful about pushing bedtime later for many days. 

5- Offer naps on the Go! If you are outside

Try to protect naps as well, if you are unable to do all naps in the crib/bed. You can offer naps on the go in the timing of the naps. Try to plan your day ahead of time to ensure that you are able to offer naps whether in bed or on the go. 

One last thing before I end this. Don't forget to enjoy your holiday, you get now get our Travel Guide to help you plan in advance based on your child’s needs. Some children are more sensitive than others, and you need to accommodate this while being away. Also, whatever you decide to do, make sure that you stay safe!

Yasmine Gaddis

Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant


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