Introducing a Lovey for Better Sleep: Why and When?

We know that having a  healthy sleep routine for your little one is sometimes a challenge. One common strategy that can make a significant difference in a child's sleep patterns is the introduction of a lovey. 

Loveys, also known as security blankets or comfort objects, play a crucial role in helping children develop a sense of security and comfort during the night. 

In this blog, we'll explore when to introduce a lovey and why it's important for a child's sleep journey.


The ideal time to introduce a lovey is different from one baby to another. 

Here a few things to consider:

  • Starting 1 Year Old

Under the age of 1, it’s recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics not to have anything in your child’s sleeping space, to prevent SIDs. After 1 year old, your child would be ready to be introduced to a lovey.

  • During Sleep Training

Introducing a lovey during the process of sleep training is a great way to help transition to independent sleep.

When Transitioning to a Crib

If a baby is transitioning from a parent's bed to a crib, a lovey can serve as a familiar and comforting presence in the new sleep environment.

  • As Needed

Ultimately, the right time to introduce a lovey is when it feels appropriate for the child and family. Some babies may show a strong preference for a particular blanket or stuffed animal earlier, and that's perfectly fine.


  • Comfort and Security

Loveys provide a sense of comfort and security. They help the child fall back asleep when they wake up during the night, helping them feel safe and soothed.

  • Consistency

Having a consistent lovey can create a familiar sleep environment, which can be particularly important for babies and young children. This consistency can be reassuring and help establish a sleep routine.

  • Transition Support

Loveys are especially valuable when children are faced with transitions such as starting daycare or welcoming a new sibling. They provide a consistent source of comfort during these challenging times.

  • Reduced Sleep Regression

When children experience sleep regressions, which can be common during various developmental milestones, loveys can provide a source of comfort and familiarity that helps ease these temporary disruptions.

Loveys play a crucial role in a child's sleep journey by providing comfort, security, and a sense of consistency. Try to choose a lovey that's safe and easy to clean, and to be consistent in its use during sleep times.


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