How To Transition From 3 to 2 Naps?

Baby sleep is a road full of many changes! One day you will think you nailed it, and then you wake up the next day figuring out the upcoming transition or change. 

3-2 naps transition is one of the biggest sleep milestones in the first year of life. The baby needed this 3rd nap for some time until he/she lengthens the first 2 naps. Let me remind you here that the first 2 naps are the most restorative. The third one was just to get through the day as the baby still can’t stay awake for a long time yet. 

So when does this naps transition happen and what signs you should be looking for?

  • This naps transition happens around 6-9 months, ideally, towards 8/9 months of age, some babies will drop it early by 6 months. But please avoid rushing to drop naps.

  • The baby will start fighting this nap for a consistent period of time (2-3 weeks). Whatever you do to help the baby to take this nap, he/she will just not take it every single day for 2-3 weeks. 

  • There will be more night wakings. Mostly in the first half of the night. 

  • With some babies, they may experience some early wakings (4-5 am).

So now, what to do if you can see all the above signs? 

  • By that time ideally, the child will be on longer naps, we are talking an average of 2 sleep cycles by this age so 1.5 - 2 hrs each for each nap. If the child is consistently on short naps, then it’s time to lengthen them.

  • Once the baby has two good naps or at least one good long morning nap, you will be able to push the second nap to start a little bit later.

  • Keep in mind that, we don’t want to end up with a long stretch between the last nap and bedtime. 

  • During the transition period, it is recommended to do early bedtime (it can be as early as 5:30 - 6 pm if needed) until the baby is able to have a longer second nap at noon. 

  • Once the baby settles into the two naps schedule, you can slowly bring bedtime later maybe around 7ish (depends on the baby’s needs and sleepy signs). 

Your baby will be on 2 naps schedule until 15-18 months when they are ready to be on one noon naps.

Keep in mind that the more your baby is rested and having a good night's sleep, the more you are able to troubleshoot things and know what you need to do. If your baby is tired and fighting sleep all the time, then let’s get the sleep back through The Sleep Coaching Program.

Yasmine Gaddis

Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant


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