Choosing the Right Nursery: The Sleep Version

Selecting a nursery that aligns with your child's nap needs is crucial for their overall well-being.

Here’s how to choose the best nursery and manage nap schedule adjustments.

How to Choose a Nursery

  • Visit Multiple Nurseries: Don’t settle on the first nursery you visit. Take the time to tour several options, observe the environment, and meet the staff. Pay attention to how the nursery handles sleep times and routines.

  • Ask About Nap Policies: Inquire about the nursery’s nap schedule and policies.

    • Do they have designated nap times? 

    • Are they flexible with nap schedules to accommodate individual children's needs?

    • Can your child join a different class with a more fitting nap schedule?

  • Check the Sleep Environment: Look for a quiet, dark, and comfortable space with appropriate bedding.

Adjusting to a New Nap Schedule

  • Communicate with Nursery Staff: Share your child's current nap schedule and discuss concerns.

  • Gradual Adjustments at Home: Shift nap times at home to align with the nursery’s schedule.

  • Be Patient: Give your child time to adjust to the new routine.

  • Monitor Sleep Patterns: If struggles persist, discuss further adjustments with the nursery.

Specific Age Group Considerations

  • 12-15 Months: Joining One Nap Class:

    • Children at this age, still need two naps; one nap may cause overtiredness, here is what you can do to adjust:

      • Offer a quick power nap in the afternoon (ending by 4:00/4:30 pm) or an early bedtime (6:00 - 6:30 pm).

      • Continue with two naps on weekends for recovery if needed.

  • 15-18 Months: Joining a Class with a Late Nap:

    • Ideal nap time to start at: 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm; some nurseries schedule this nap at 1:00 - 1:30 pm.

    • Request an earlier nap or a nap with a younger class.

    • If your child takes no naps, try a late power nap or early bedtime.

    • Offer an earlier nap on weekends.

  • 2-3 Years: Joining a New Class with No Nap:

    • Discuss the possibility of napping with a younger class.

    • For early pickups, offer a power nap (2:00 - 3:00 pm).

    • For late pickups, your best way is to offer an early bedtime to compensate for overtiredness.

Handling Nap Challenges

  • Short Power Naps: If your child is struggling to stay awake until bedtime due to a missed or shortened nap at the nursery, consider offering a short power nap (15-20 minutes) in the late afternoon. This can help them get through the evening without becoming overtired. NOTE: the power nap should not push bedtime past 8 PM, because this will then result in overtiredness in the long run.

  • Consistent Bedtime Routine: Maintain a predictable bedtime routine at home.

  • Weekend Adjustments: Use weekends to catch up on lost sleep and adjust their nap schedule gradually.

Adjusting to a new nap schedule at a nursery can sometimes be challenging and may temporarily impact night sleep. Remember, these disruptions are usually temporary as your child’s body adapts to the new routine. Always aim to avoid late naps that push bedtime too late, as this can create a cycle of overtiredness. By staying consistent and flexible, your child will eventually adjust, and their sleep schedule will get back to normal.

REMINDER Early dropping/short naps usually lead to night or early wakings. So take your time in choosing the right nursery that fits your child’s sleep needs.

We can always work together to adjust to your child’s new nap schedule, feel free to book a 1 Hour Consultation by contacting us on whatsapp.

We know navigating nursery selection and nap schedule adjustments can be challenging. Remember, every child is different. Stay flexible, communicate with the nursery staff, and trust your instincts. With time and patience, your child will adapt, ensuring they get the rest they need and their body will adjust to the new sleep schedule.


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